
Extended Digispark Keyboard library

A project log for Oh Cheat!

USB keystroke generator for quick typing cheat codes in games like GTA.

danjovicdanjovic 01/25/2016 at 23:373 Comments

I've made an extension to the SendKeyStroke method of DigiKeyboard.h by adding a key down time parameter.

SendKeyStroke method now has a third parameter to allow the simulation of pressing time (in milliseconds) that the key remains pressed until is released.

void sendKeyStroke(byte keyStroke, byte modifiers, uint16_t key_down_time);

If 'key_down_time' is zero then don't release the key, it should be done manually by sendKeysStroke(0). As 'zero' means forever, the minimum press time time is 1ms and the maximum is 65535ms.


DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_B);        // Send a B to host
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_A,0,300); // Send an A to host, takes 300ms until release

DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(KEY_C,0,0);    //Send a C to host and keep it pushed
DigiKeyboard.delay(2000);                 // wait 2 seconds
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0);            // now release any key pressed.

Tried to send a pull request to original project but without success, though. Either way the extended function is below:

  void sendKeyStroke(byte keyStroke, byte modifiers, uint16_t key_down_time) {
   	while (!usbInterruptIsReady()) {
      // Note: We wait until we can send keystroke
      //       so we know the previous keystroke was
      //       sent.
    memset(reportBuffer, 0, sizeof(reportBuffer));
    reportBuffer[0] = modifiers;
    reportBuffer[1] = keyStroke;
    usbSetInterrupt(reportBuffer, sizeof(reportBuffer));
  	while (!usbInterruptIsReady()) {
      // Note: We wait until we can send keystroke
      //       so we know the previous keystroke was
      //       sent.
	// Pressing time (in milliseconds) that the key remains pressed
	// until is released. If is zero don't release the key (it should be
	// done manually by sendKeysStroke(0). Therefore minimum time is 1ms
	// and the maximum is 65535ms.
	if (key_down_time) {
		while (key_down_time--) {
		// Now send 'no key' pressed
		memset(reportBuffer, 0, sizeof(reportBuffer));
		usbSetInterrupt(reportBuffer, sizeof(reportBuffer));	


witoopl wrote 10/31/2017 at 13:48 point

Thank you so much for this library and function. It made my fix for keyboard possible. Original library doesn't have all of keys and possiblity of holding down key.  I don't have sufficient knowledge yet to programm them myself. You really saved me. Great work men!

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Alan Minor wrote 03/16/2017 at 01:04 point

Doing my best to use this for a Wheel of Fortune game. I have to hold down the Space Bar which spins the wheel. The Digikeyboard method doesn't function properly for this and it's frustrating. Can you help me implement this code? All I need is the Space Bar to be held down for as long as a button is pressed. TIA.

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danjovic wrote 03/16/2017 at 01:33 point

You can check my  #F.P.S: Foot Presto Switch project which does exactly like that, keeping a key pressed as long as a switch is held on. 

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