I've got quite a challenge here. I'm using and adafruit feather wiced, with a 3x2Msps ADC and running at 120Mhz.
Playing around with a simple analogRead() provides sub-100kHz acquisitions, far from what I'm expecting. So I've started playing with low-level code. I found a similar code, except it's for a STM32F1, and the port may have lost of the registers.. The code so far can be seen there.
What should we do to push the limits of this ADC and try to squeeze the 6Msps interleaved acquisition it can have?
The full question is here : https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_WICED_Arduino/issues/58 =)
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Pretty obvious - read the STM32 reference manual and go full metal - accessing the registers directly by yourself. I found the reference manual much easier than to try to understand ST's libaraies.
I have done it for all my STM32F0, Freescale Knetis and AVR projects.
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