
Portable RasPi Tor Router

The purpose of the this project is to create an inexpensive way for anyone to use the internet anonymously from any device, anywhere.

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This project uses a Raspberry Pi and an ethernet connection to provide anyone with private, Tor enabled browsing. The Portable Raspberry Pi Tor Router makes it so you can browse the internet anonymously, circumvent most website blockers. And best of all, it makes it so your safe from private corporations, hackers, or even the government, spying on what you do on the web. Build instructions are (finally) up!

The Portable Raspberry Pi Tor Router can be used by any device with a wireless internet connection, and was inspired by the Onion Pi by adafruit, linked in the link section. The build was roughly the same as the Onion Pi, with adjustments to make it all run smoother, as well as the addition of an external battery. You can also change where you want to browse from in the world (Ex. Germany or the Netherlands) or leave it up to Tor, which will randomize the process.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Model B+
  • 1 × SD Card
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Wireless Adapter
  • 1 × Micro Usb Cable
  • 1 × Ethernet Cable

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    This is a tutorial on how you can build your very own Raspberry Pi Tor Router. The process has been modified (not a lot, the end result will be the same) to make the build experience easier for the user.

    Firstly, gather your materials. You will need the following:

    Note: If you plan on setting up the pi wirelessly or via console cable then you wont need the monitor, keyboard, or mouse

    1. 2
      Step 2

      Make sure everything on your Raspberry Pi is up to date by typing the following on the command line:

      sudo apt-get update
    2. 3
      Step 3

      You will need to set up your Raspberry Pi as an access point, this tutorial by adafruit articulates this very well. Follow that.

    View all 8 instructions

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    cedepil874 wrote 06/02/2021 at 06:50 point

    Its very amazing idea I really impressed by your approach keep it up and if you need any information about routers just visit routerinsider for detailed guidance.

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    modhappy wrote 09/28/2016 at 16:46 point

    Dude, this is awsome. I love the tactical implementation of the unidirectional bonding strips

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    V McCoy wrote 09/28/2016 at 19:09 point

    Haha thanks! I use those unidirectional bonding strips in most every project.

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    Jacobboycreatureface wrote 02/29/2016 at 05:18 point

    I'm trying to make my own and you have probably mentioned this and I didn't see it, but do you plug it into your modem/router Or is there a way to make it wireless?

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    V McCoy wrote 03/03/2016 at 19:24 point

    There is a way to make it wireless, you would just have to replace the ethernet with an extra wifi dongle. It would require some changes, and yes I did plug it into my router. You can plug it in anywhere as long as there is an ethernet port. Send me a pic of yours when it's finished! 

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    V McCoy wrote 02/03/2016 at 16:34 point

    My plan for the future of this project is to get rid of ethernet and make it so it automatically connects to all open networks and signs into them if it's required (i.e. xfinity wifi, starbucks)

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    Scotto wrote 02/26/2016 at 15:47 point

    you can tweak this a bit with two wifi dongles, and eliminate the need for the ethernet cable, too. edit /etc/networks/interfaces to add wlan1 and enter in the SSID/password for your Internet provider (like adafruit does here )

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    V McCoy wrote 02/26/2016 at 15:59 point

    Wow, cool! I'll look into this!

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    adawg89 wrote 01/28/2016 at 04:55 point

    I like the concept, but finding a openwrt capable router with atleast 64mb+ of ram will be able to do this (703n with 64mb ram mod will do it) 

    But that is just my opinion.

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    V McCoy wrote 02/03/2016 at 13:45 point

    What you say is true (probably), but the point of the project was to create a tor router with relatively inexpensive materials, and to make it accessible to everyone. Thanks for saying you like the concept!

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    adawg89 wrote 02/03/2016 at 13:57 point

    there was a giy working on similar design. He had a 64mb ram mod and tor on openwrt used 40mb of ram. The difference between what I was working on and your project was mine was being used as a wireless bridge(I think) instead of using ethernet port.

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