
Sparklecon 3 - Fullerton, CA - Sat, 23 Jan 2016

A project log for Hackaday LA Meetup

A place for members in the LA area to share news/events info and find collaborators

jasmine-brackettJasmine Brackett 01/29/2016 at 23:592 Comments

One day only - Sparklecon 3!

Brought to you by 23b Shop

Brian & I are going, not too sure what time we'll get there, but we encourage you to check out the schedule as there are events all day and night. Learn to weld, drones, hebocon++, 3D Cad workshop, bottle share, tesla coils, plasma pickles, and good food.


Jasmine Brackett wrote 02/01/2016 at 21:37 point

Had a lot of fun! Can't wait till next year.

There are a few pictures of the hebocon, music, hammer jenga, mini bikes, Sparklebots etc. here:

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