
Does this actually qualify?

A project log for 5+ Axis Robot Arm

Building an open source robot arm for makers and small businesses

dan-royerDan Royer 06/05/2014 at 05:361 Comment

the hackaday prize demands that the project uses some kind of network connectivity.  For me, democratizing manufacturing does more to connect people than the Internet of things.  Information overload does not compare with tangible increase in productivity.

Ok, possible rant over. Today I modeled the shoulder and the base. I probably won't get time to make them until next week as ill be at the Vancouver mini maker faire Saturday and Sunday. Apparently some people are flying in to town just to see the progress on the prototype. I don't know how I feel about that.


zakqwy wrote 06/05/2014 at 12:15 point
I had the same thoughts when I first entered my project some time ago. Rather than spend time and energy figuring out how to connect my project to the Internet, I decided to take that requirement at face value. The requirement states "It must involve some type of electronics that are connected to something"; in your case, I say that "something" could be the servos and associated hardware that actually move the arm around. Don't sweat the IoT connection, it's just a trendy buzzword right now.

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