
case prototyping

A project log for PiBoy-Zero

yet another portable console! ;-) roughly the size of a gameboy micro, with a 2.2" display

johschneiderJohSchneider 04/09/2016 at 14:281 Comment

creating a 3d printable case from the rough sketches done earlier

the overall shape was put toghether relatively quickly - but getting the d-pad to feel right took some iterations, the first few where still cross-shaped

turned out, that shrinking and making it round works better for the alps switch. connecting the ABXY buttons eases installation

also playing with the back part, for example splitting it in two with overlapping part along the seam:

which would be printed standing up:

this would have the upside of a sturdier frame - but on the downside prints waaay longer, with increased risk of print failure and the split/seam doesn't look as nice as a single-pice backside does, paintability would probably be another issue - so i'll stick with the single-piece for now

btw: the front piece in its current form uses the pause-print-insert-M3-trapped-nuts-resume-print approach:

STLs to print your own are on github :-)


Adam Walters wrote 08/06/2019 at 00:56 point

Maybe a something missing, but what size nuts and screws did you use? I didnt see it in the documents

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