
Assembled new boards and enclosure

A project log for DIY programmable (SCPI) bench power supply

Bridging the gap between professional and DIY/hobbyist bench power supply

denisDenis 08/22/2016 at 18:144 Comments

I spent some time over the weekend assembling power boards and Arduino shield. You can see the results on the following two videos:


Denis wrote 08/23/2016 at 05:24 point

No, it's not used. Over time I switched from AC power input to DC using affordable AC/DC modules. But the power module still offer both options. More information about power module can be found here:

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ottoragam wrote 08/23/2016 at 21:07 point

I see. I asked because I need to rectify the output from a transformer for a ~48 V unregulated CNC power supply, and diode bridge rectifiers demand somewhat large heatsinks. So I was curious of how the ideal diode controlled performed.

Anyway, when I have some money and free time I think I'll give this project a shot!

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Denis wrote 08/24/2016 at 11:31 point

Thanks, regarding ideal diode bridge rectifier a LT4320 ( should be a safe bet. Here is one discussion about it:

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ottoragam wrote 08/22/2016 at 22:29 point

This looks really nice! I've been searching For a bench PSU lately, and I think your design is great. It acommodates a variety of use cases and it is capable of supporting a nice set of high end features. One question, were you using an ideal diode controller in this design?

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