ESP8266 microcontroller start-up to control by smartphone a relay connected to the ESP. In a separate project I will try to present a similar case, but instead of the ESP8266 microcontroller we will use Raspberry PI version B+.
WiFi Socket prototype based on SUPLA and ESP8266
FT232RL FTDI 3.3V 5.5V USB to TTL Serial Adapter
A smartphone, Android (3.1.x Version or higher) or iPhone iOS 6.1 (or higher).
An ESP8266 module version 512KB flash (or higher). This article will cover the ESP8266-12 version
A USB-Serial converter to program ESP. I have used the “FT232RL FTDI 3.3V 5.5V USB to TTL Serial Adapter”
PCB adapter for ESP
3.3/5V powering unit. I have used the YwRobot module
A relay module. For this article I have used version I had close at hand i.e. YwRobot 4 relay.
12V charger.
Two (2) LED diodes, one of which must be RGB
Two (2) micro-switches
One (1) transistor. I have used BC547.
Three (3) 100R resistors.
Two (2) 10K resistors.
One (1) breadboard.
Connecting wiring.
Piece of a thin wire.
Do not forget to connect the ESP module TXD pin to the USB-Serial converter RXD pin, and the ESP module RXD pin to the USB-Serial converter TXD pin. “IN1” must be connected to the relay module.
Step 2
Solder the ESP8266-12 module to the PCB adapter
Step 3
With a thin wire make hookups for easier module pin connections.