
Finally: some progress

A project log for RPi Zero WiFi-Enabled Hardware Password Manager

Codename Hardpass: A Password Manager on the Raspberry Pi Zero...suffering featuritis.

girgir 01/05/2017 at 14:263 Comments

I shelfed the project for some time, but recently I have been working on it again. The 20-pin OLEDs aren't available on AliExpress any more (the last seller who claimed to have them didn't have them).

So I modified the PCB to take the premade assemblies / modules. (I do plan on modifying the PCB to take 30 pin OLEDs)

I also finally ordered some prototype boards from OSHPark (really streamlined ordering process, just upload the pcbnew-file)

On the top of the back side you see those solder pads under the screen header: While many OLED modules have 4 pins, all of them have different pinouts. I plan on soldering jumper wires to set the correct connections.

On this picture you can see all the components involved (except the .1" header and some resistors, which hvaen't arrived yet)


oshpark wrote 01/05/2017 at 15:10 point

Nice board design!  We look foward to future updates.

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gir wrote 01/05/2017 at 16:42 point

To be honest, it isn't. It was the first PCB I designed (in KiCad and ever). Some traces are probably too thin, the header is not perfectly aligned and the 3v3 polyfill is <1mm thick at its thinnest point.

Thanks for the jelly beans though -- nice touch!

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oshpark wrote 01/05/2017 at 19:26 point

@gir Impressive nonetheless for your first PCB!  One of our engineers, Jenner, created Kicad libraries and templates that may help in the future:

Also, Contenxtual Electronics by @chrisgammell:

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