Last night, I designed my case using a combination of Sketchup, and XYZWare (beta).
I am forced to use XYZWare because I received one of the Davinci Jrs for Christmas (and I'll definitely be using it to build another printer, but one that is not DRM'ed)
I learned very quickly that XYZWare is not quite ready for primetime, so I wound up designing in Sketchup, then using the STL export, so that I could open the STL in XYZWare to save in a format that would not get trashed by the printer firmware (SOOOoo many issues grabbing anything from outside of XYZPrinting's universe)
I decided to save everything in 2 formats: STL and 3w (proprietary for XYZ)
The STLs can be found on Thingiverse: My first Design
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Before my Sketchup license expires, I need to build two release files: 1 with the whole plate, and one broken up into individual pieces.
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Since I am limited to 15 x 15 CM on the build plate, my 3W files are split up. If you have a large enough plate on your own printer, all you need to do is print the STL twice. That way, you'll have the top and bottom slot rails and both sides, and 2 Bramble leafs, ready to laminate.
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