
Networking: My Old nemesis...

A project log for 8 Leaf Pi Zero Bramble

Modular design, small footprint Pi Zero Supercomputer

txdomsktxdo.msk 02/24/2016 at 16:582 Comments

Wow. Getting WiFi to be your main connection, while simultaneously serving a subnet gets weird...

I know I have to set up a bridge, but don't I have to have 2 working subnets first?


txdo.msk wrote 02/24/2016 at 21:51 point

I haven't gotten to that part yet.  I just got the 2 interfaces to come up at the same time with different IP addresses about an hour ago.  I'm in a meeting right now (benefits of telework), so I still have to get the IP_MASQ set and stick a ZERO on the switch.  Its slowly coming back.  I'm just glad the whole contest ends in March!

As far as topology planned, I will be using wired ethernet for the cluster due to it inherent comparable speed, and the wireless will connect the head to the intranet.  This way, I can carry the cluster anywhere and connect to any wifi.  I pretty much want to be able to only connect from say my home Windows machine to the cluster head, with the head serving up addresses to the nodes.

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ajlitt wrote 02/24/2016 at 18:36 point

What does your network topology look like?  Is one of your Pis acting as the network gateway (we call 'em "I/O nodes" in the HPC world) or do you have a separate WiFi router?

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