EAGLE Routing
02/18/2016 at 15:27 • 0 commentsDoes. Not. Look. Good. :(
Refactoring number N+1 :)
02/18/2016 at 13:56 • 0 commentsSo, going completely nuts with my skills. Will try PCB prototyping for the second time, SMD soldering for the first time, Raspberry programming for the first time, Shift registers, OLED LCDs, you name it. But when I realized how small Pi Zero is - I wanted to create something really small, somethign you can actually put on your keychain.
So, I'm in the process, a pi zero hat, with QWERTY and ability to plug and play cheap OLED and Arduino Pro Mini. So, that you guys can prototype in a bed, on a walk, in the car, without a desk, literraly
It's hard and time consuming, because as I already told you guys - I'm not a right person to do such projects, I needed someone :) but, looks like some of you are interested in the project, but no one wants to participate, so I have to do it myself then :)
Wonder if EAGLE can route this, I'll give it a try today. Fingers crossed.
02/17/2016 at 16:19 • 0 commentsSo, I'm starting to understand the project is either DIY or something I don not have skills for. Compact case prototyping requiring a lot of PCBs with extra small size which require SMD soldering and I'm not good at that.
So, DIY project.
Currently playing with Software parts on Raspbian Qemu image (Adafruit WebIDE didn't work - required Kernel options which are not in the quemu kernel, trying Pydio now, works like a charm on Raspberry actually, like it so far but looks to heavy for my project, will try to utilize some parts of it)
So, surfed the web in a search for hardware components. For now I'm thinking about the following:
- LiPo Rider. It provides battery charing via USB as well as solar charging capabilities. http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Lipo_Rider_V1.3
- USB Hub for PiZero. Soldered right beneath the Pi Zero board https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/on4CCBXp
- Something similar to this. https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/rMr4Go5j But with different type of I2C header, so that the following can be plugged right to the case. http://ru.aliexpress.com/item/Dealward-Limited-Sales-New-0-96-I2C-IIC-Serial-128X64-OLED-LCD-LED-Display-Module-For/32339700489.html
- Something like that, or just a GPIO Hat pinout for AVR ISP programming. https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/EaQPleXM
So, with that we have pocket device, with charging ability, solar charing (or pretty much any other powerfull enough source), UART pinout, I2C Pinout, ISP pinout. Also some sort of GPIO still available (preferrably in the unchanged Raspberry GPIO header), 4 USB ports, HDMI port, Video-Out port
Thinking about creating a super tiny querty keypad on the top side of the device. So that you just need to plug one of these super cheap I2C OLEDs and start doing your stuff.
Has to succeed?
02/12/2016 at 11:48 • 0 commentsOK, idea is getting some attention in twitter, need to do something real then. My friends are donating some raspberry hardware for me, nice :)
In the meantime I'm trying to understand which web IDE can be used. Turned out most of the good ones are cloud-oriented - we don't need this. Our device is portable to the level it would work after a Zombie apocalipsis, so no clouds :)
Right now experimenting with Adafruit's WEB-IDE https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE, Eclipse CHE https://eclipse-che.readme.io/docs/introduction and Pydio(not and IDE, but nice file managing portal with ability to Edit Files) https://pydio.com/en
Case design idea
02/09/2016 at 16:28 • 0 commentsSo, I was thinking about something like yoga-type device case with velcro attached, so that you can attach LED or HDMI monitor a keyboard of your choice. On the other side of foldable panale is a solar panel, so that you can put a device with screen towards you and it will be still charging using the solar on the back side, even when you are using a keyboard, you can lay down with solar towards the sun. The idea is simple, but designing such a thing totally outside of my abilities and experience. :(