Since the code to move the servo motor is lengthy, I created a function to move the servo by simply calling move_servo(num). The num is the amount of degrees the servo will move by.
I decided to try to move the servo based on the humidity percentage outside. If the humidity was less than 50%, the servo would move to 3 degrees (num=3) indicating a low humidity. If the humidity was greater than 50 but less than 70, the servo would move to 7.5 degrees (num=7.5) indicating a normal humidity. If the humidity was greater than 70 but less than 120 (random high number), the servo would move to 11 degrees (num=11) indicating a high humidity.
def move_servo(num): #function to move servo
p = GPIO.PWM(19,50) #19 is the pin
p.start(2.5) #Starting at 0
p.ChangeDutyCycle(num) #Changing degree based on humidity
p = GPIO.PWM(19,50) #After calling p.stop() must put this information again
p.start(num) #Starting at the degree we left off at we will begin to go back to zero
p.ChangeDutyCycle(2.5) #Going back to 0
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