
Iron man armor (Hackaday prize edition)

Basically my iron man armor for hackaday prize 2018

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Some believe that there is a limit in what you can make. I was born to literally prove that wrong. The suit will be fully functional and capable of flight, shooting repulsor blasts, with a working Jarvis system, etc.

Those interested in helping and coders message me. Give me a backstory about your work though (even if you have none).

I just like making stuff that seems impossible. Is there anything wrong with that?

Questions asked:

What is it exactly? It is an Iron man suit.

What are the practical uses for it? It is used for crime. It can also be used for medical emergency and scientific advancement.

How does it stop crime? It uses data like criminal records, backgrounds and other things like that to predict crime.

Who will use it? I don't know. A general maybe?

You're a 14 year old trying to make something groups of scientists can't make. Why do you think this is possible? It all depends on how you look. Sometimes, the answer is so simple, it is hidden in plain sight.

  • The return of TKTS

    WalkerDev09/12/2018 at 10:54 0 comments

    Just a little thing saying i'm not dead! I'll be showing some new designs and other stuff like that soon!

  • To do list

    WalkerDev04/20/2018 at 13:05 0 comments

    1-  Heads up display shell+electronics

    2- Shoulder rocket insides

    3- More steel sheets

    4- Newer pneumatic cylinders

    5- 3d printed gears

    6- Supplies for arc reactor

    7- Jarvis system

    8- Lock function 

    9- Donning system

    10- Opening/Closing system

  • Iron man gauntlet video

    WalkerDev04/09/2018 at 23:03 0 comments


  • Iron man suit overview

    WalkerDev03/21/2018 at 19:32 6 comments

    With energy, there are multiple things to look at when choosing materials. The main thing to look at for today is PSI and heat resistance. The material I choose will need a high level of both. This is due to the way the reactor works. After searching for what regular materials use, I went online and found out this

    “Materials currently in use or under consideration include:

    • Boron Carbide
    • Graphite
    • Carbon fibre composite
    • Beryllium
    • Tungsten
    • Molybdemun
    • Lithium

    Multi-layer tiles of several of these materials are also being considered and used, for example:

    • A thin molybdenum layer on graphite tiles.
    • A thin tungsten layer on graphite tiles.
    • A tungsten layer on top of a molybdenum layer on graphite tiles.
    • A boron carbide layer on top of CFC tiles.
    • A liquid lithium layer on graphite tiles.
    • A liquid lithium layer on top of a boron layer on graphite tiles.
    • A liquid lithium layer on tungsten-based solid PFC surfaces or diverters.

    Now although all these materials are good, I will either need to compress all of this or make the chest area from that. I may do both.

    For dissipation, a vacuum (a vacuumless space may take in the heat. How will this be done? It’s kinda hard to explain, but it should work good for now. The heat will basically be pushed into said space by a cooling system like a computer (just more powerful) directing heat to the vacuum.

    The main backup plan is to have multiple batteries around the suit and connect to where the arc reactor is. I can then pull the arc reactor out of the chest area and put into a hold at the back until further notice.

    Some materials I may use is single Chrystal titanium and ceramic for protection AND heat resistance, tungsten solely for heat resistance and steel for a base. My insides will be protected by multiple layers of metals and meta-metals. The padding will be temper foam which is used by astronauts and Carbon Fiber Nomex which is basically protective padding if used right.

    If a plastic is to be used, it will most likely be surrounded by metal and screwed into an electronic. This will thus unallow the pastic from damaging something and being functional.

    The flight system will work by ion thrusters. Although they are very simplistic and may allow flight, the need a lot of power, so I will NEED that arc reactor. To have the flight so well, i'll need to bass boost the Ion thruster with electricity or so be it i'll use antimatter engines :-)

    The exosuit will likely look something like a pack of small squares as that'll be nanobots, but that's a talk for a different day. There will also be the conventional pneumatic cylinder (which is basically something that uses air and a cylinder to increase in force.) but there will be a bit based on Pierre Bouchard

        Forearm prices

    Missile launcher

    Servo (4): 8.28

    Pointometer (2): 3.00

    Blue LED (4): 4.48

    Red LED (4): 4.48

    Steel sheet (12x12): 5.78

    Arduino Mini: 5.17

    Mini Laser turrent

    Camera (small): 4.60

    Burning laser:1 23.50

    Non-burning laser (with driver): 10.06

    Servos (3): 6.21

    Arduino Mini: 5.17

    Exo suit:

    Pneumatic cylinder (2): 8.56

    Festo valve bank: 60.00

    Donning system:

    Servo (4): 8.28

    Arduino mini: 5.17


    Fan: Already owned

    RFID tags and all (5) : 50

    Titanium alloy (13.6 x 1.5): 6.00

    Total (basic price without Jarvis ( for one gauntlet) 218.74

View all 4 project logs

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malvasio wrote 03/22/2018 at 18:21 point

maybe you need to push the render buttom

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malvasio wrote 03/22/2018 at 12:34 point

if you have a low x64 cpu openscad is very slow

i can not use a mouse to modelise

i will make pmm2 more easy to understand faster to see in openscad but unsecurised exponential mechanic : you will have to take care of yourself ...

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WalkerDev wrote 03/22/2018 at 15:01 point

Anything helps!

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malvasio wrote 03/22/2018 at 08:36 point

well to begin you should drop the poor arc reactor to use mechanic power direct and fluid for PAM + add an electric generator and bye bye battery

to not be stoped by the metal work you have to make metal 3d printers one fdm in tungsten with a centrifugal melting chamber for high speed, low melting point metal, printing

and one based on levitation both ultrasound and magnetic to print aliages, crystals and high melting point things

both in high pressure chamber

i don't think ion thrusters are good.

anyway you will have to fight all governments doing this

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WalkerDev wrote 03/22/2018 at 10:55 point

Thanks for reading! 

will probably use that motor, but due to the power I need, I will most resort to still using an arc reactor. I use the plastic for inner parts that is in support. For example, the HUD will be 3d printed then things will be added onto it. I am still considering the ion thruster and you'll see my final decision probably by the next update like this. I'm keeping it pretty legal for now.

If you have more suggestions, PLEASE tell me! 

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malvasio wrote 03/22/2018 at 11:42 point

hey you didn't read the pmm page it is a real exponential mechanic ;)

nothing can beat it when well done

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WalkerDev wrote 03/22/2018 at 11:51 point

I did, I just did not get to see the 3d model.

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