
Cathedral Raspberry Pi Internet Radio

I set out to build a RPi radio with bluetooth and aux inputs that simply switched between the stations I programmed into it.

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I really wanted an internet radio that I could program in radio stations I love from around the world (KSUA, WNYC, WFMU, etc). Additionally it can also be switched to bluetooth or auxiliary input modes. The whole thing was inspired by radios from the '40s and '50s.

This is my submission for the PiHackAda contest.

I used a Raspberry Pi A+, but there is no reason this wouldn't work for a Pi Zero and could probably be completed in a much smaller form factor with a Zero.

I’ve always loved the look of old cathedral radios and I decided to build my own and have it powered by a raspberry pi.

It has three modes
- Internet Radio (Raspberry Pi)
- Bluetooth In
- Aux Input

The stations I currently have programmed in are...

  • KSUA
  • KUAC
  • KRUA
  • Radio Free Brooklyn
  • WNYC
  • KCRW
  • WFMU
  • KEXP
  • KUTX
  • WICB
  • WMUA

These are the images for the specific stations I created. The file location on the Pi can be found inside the code.

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nuninio wrote 11/13/2016 at 06:57 point

thanks a lot Nick! Great project. I wish project could come with a ready list of components "basket" in websites such as adafruit...that would certainly make the life easier for a beginner like me :)

Can you tell what is the exact model of the Bluetooth module you used?

Thanks again!! 

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tomwsmf wrote 02/23/2016 at 21:55 point

Great project. I love these old radios as well. 

Not sure if you got to this snag yet but there is no audio jack on the PiZero. Lady Ada did up a video on how to get sound out of the PiZero direct

Looks like you have plenty of room in the radio case so you could go with a USB Audio dongle. This is the solution I have used with the PiZero. 

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nick.r.brewer wrote 02/23/2016 at 22:09 point

Both very good options. I don't actually own a Zero at the moment, but I had an A+ on hand. 

I also really like this Pimoroni option as well. -

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