1. write a program that can receive any text document and translate it into braille. DONE.
2. build single braille letter using 6 micro solenoids and control it via Rpi 2.
3. make sure that the output is readable.
4. build custom braille letter (according to the braille letter specs) and electronic that allow me to control each letter via single gpio.
5. create a row of these letters, and connect everything together.
6. design a case, and print it. DONE. (more improvements need)
why I choose raspberry pi zero?
1. great power consumption for its compute power - the device should late few day on battery.
2. small form factor - the device should portable.
3. fast processor - I need a lot of compute for fast real time translation.
4. cheap - the product need to be as cheap as possible, as all assistive technology should be.
Thanks for sharing, unfortunately, Dot Matrix printer head is big heavy and expensive and my goal is to make it portable and cheap. I might have to try and reinvent an braille letter element to make it work.
Use an older Dot Matrix printer head