
Pi V1.3 test pad dimensions

A project log for "Solar Pi Platter"

A Li-Ion charger for Solar or USB with PMIC/RTC, 5V boost converter and USB Hub that can run Linux for only $5 more!

dan-julioDan Julio 06/30/2016 at 17:513 Comments

Here are my measurements for the new V1.3 Pi Zero power and USB test pads. I'd love it if anyone else could verify or correct. I also think I made a small error with the vertical dimension for PP22 and PP23 (although we never saw a problem with the original 5 prototype boards).


facelessloser wrote 02/22/2018 at 10:55 point

Yeah luckily the pads are quite large so you can get away with it.

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facelessloser wrote 02/17/2018 at 15:53 point

Hi thanks for making this, Been looking all over for something to cross reference. I have double checked your dimensions and you are right about the height of PP22 and PP23, I measure them a 1.9mm but don't think it would make all that much of a difference.

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Dan Julio wrote 02/21/2018 at 19:11 point

I think you may be correct.  My method to measure these wasn't too precise.  I have had a reliable connection using these dimensions for the Pi Platter.  But when I examine the pads on a Pi that has been mounted on a Pi Platter it appears the dimple where the pogo pin contacted the pad is just off-center.  Thanks.

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