I've been looking into adding milling capabilities to my Prusa i3 3D printer, but I didn't come across any free tools for creating 3D tool paths. The solution I've come up with is a bit of a hack but I think it should work. I haven't had a chance to test it yet because my printer is undergoing a rebuild but if you get a chance to test it please let me know. I'd also appreciate any suggestions or criticisms. Also, please let me know if something like this already exists making this superfluous. Other than that, enjoy!
So I was watching a youtube video of a 4 axis mill the other day and it inspired me to completely redo this project, from the ground up. The original plan was for this to work along side other tools, but I have begun working toward a more ambitious goal. The new version of CNFR33D will be a complete solution for gCode generation. You'll be able to load in a 3D model, enter your machine and bit settings, generate a tool path, see a 3D preview, and export gCode ready to be run from your machine! The program is coming along nicely and I haven't hit any major snags yet. Keep an eye on this project as I plan to have a usable Alpha out in the next week or two. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.