Cleaning and performing maintenance on restrooms and bathrooms is performed by many workers on a daily basis, who manually write on a paper sheet posted on the back of the restroom’s door to log the work done. The problem of this scenario is that the data written on the paper probably will need to be manually digitalized and there is no option to provide details about maintenance aspects, such as a photo of a broken toilet or tile. This project aims to automatize the check that the cleaning personal perform after working on the restroom. The idea is to replace the paper log a RPi Zero connected with the Wi-Fi that has a Bluetooth. When the worker finishes its just he/she will just start an App, pair with the RPi Zero Bluetooth and confirm the data. It is also possible to add specific occurrences on the restroom and send a picture to inform other maintenance crews. Also, we simplify form filling by illiterate people and opens opportunities to other iOT projects on restrooms.