
Home Build - Spiffchorder Refactorization

Wearable Wireless HID.
Septambic Keyer Form Factor
Intended for use with General Computing Devices.

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Just another build of an open source septambic keyer.
Video of demo (audio-less)

Refactorization using new technology.

I have recently acquired and learned how to use (to some degree of success) a Prusa i3 Rep-Rap printer so I have been working on making something similar to my other builds except actually wearable. This is a more "modern" implementation... take that however you like I just say it because bluetooth 4.0 is a pretty recent technology.

Some interesting things to note:

  • Design had 3d printing in mind from the start
    • This lead to a semi-permanent modular system.
    • The cable routing was included in each section as well.
    • I had decided on a 3 part system and used threaded rod for fastening
  • Lots of documentation on this technology was available (thanks to all the super awesome pioneers {three links there} in this field)
    • I had seen a large amount (about 3) of other keyer builds that used these switches
      • I wanted to circle back to this project after I had some skills under my belt
        • (3d printing/printer, Soldering, Arduino)
    • My previous attempts at this technology were hindered by my lack of skills and a 3d printer.

  • 1 × Lithium Polymer battery 500 mA like I have is easily overkill but 100mA seems to be about 8hrs of use* YMMV The JST connector is necessary
  • 1 × Adafruit Feather Bluefruit 32u4 amazing little board that handles the bluetooth AND the charging of the LiPo batter(usually a pain to manage)
  • 2 × 4-40 threaded rod used for keeping mechanical pressure on the three sections
  • 4 × 4-40 nuts because... necessary
  • 7 × Cherry MX keyswitches I used Cherry Blues but there are a suite of different switches that will work

View all 7 components

  • Revision 1

    Des Reverteg03/09/2016 at 01:04 0 comments

    The project is in a fully functional state and I'm happy with it's operation.

    The next things I will be working on is a cover to protect the Feather and Lithium Polymer batter.

    This is reasonably documented so I figured it's time to publish this.

  • Initial setup

    Des Reverteg03/09/2016 at 00:46 0 comments

    This is the first log of this ongoing project. basically this is a great starting point for improving this extremely useful tool. Consider this an initial Commit.

    One thing I am going to do very soon is to add the build instructions.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    First you will want to modify the .scad files so that they will match your dimensions on your hand. (it may take a considerable amount of modification as I have yet to make this .scad file totally parametric.)

  • 2
    Step 2

    Next you will want to 3d print the pieces. This is an excellent time to program the Adafruit Feather board for later. I don't know if it matters but I strongly advise not programming the feather while it is running on the LiPo battery.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Finally the assembly stage so here you will want to make sure you have the right tools for the job, Soldering Iron, Helping Hands, Solder, Sponge/Copper Scrubby pad thing, and reasonably steady hands.

    1. Align the modules with the threaded rod (it is okay to use the nuts to secure them together.
    2. route and wire the modules together making sure to label which switches go to which spots. This is also a good time to test the programming of the feather by pairing it and shorting some of the proper connections.
    3. cut to proper lengths and solder to the board using the schematic in the clc/chorder github page.
    4. enjoy your brand new handheld mobile input system

View all 4 instructions

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bjorn_thor wrote 11/22/2016 at 20:09 point
Can you make the files available

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Alex Bravo wrote 04/01/2016 at 23:05 point

How did you decide to use your left hand?

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Des Reverteg wrote 04/17/2016 at 22:47 point

I had chosen it because it is my non-dominant hand. I didn't honestly give it much thought. Choosing left felt correct to me.

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