
Initial Testing

A project log for Diabetic Infusion Set Reminder

Simple on-desk reminder of infusion set lifetime and replacement cycle.

david-ogilvyDavid Ogilvy 03/29/2016 at 14:560 Comments

Quickly hand soldered one together - SMD parts on pads not designed for hand soldering is fun... It's not pretty but it works!

Had some issues with the 100nF capacitor on the reset pin (I should really look up what value it should be...) so I just removed it, otherwise the programmer wouldn't detect it. It seems to work fine without the cap so I'll just leave it out. Same with C1 and C3 which are loading caps for the clock crystal. The MSP430 has built in configurable capacitance which is enough for the crystal I'm using.

Currently running it at 1sec = 1min accelerated speed so it can run through the full 3 day cycle in a matter of hours for testing.

It will be interesting to see how long the battery lasts in normal usage. I used 230ohm resistors to limit the current to under 5mA. WIll properly measure the current at some point, and tweak values to get an even brightness from each LED.
