

A project log for GimbalBot

Gimbaled thrusters, aerospace-grade adhesives, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers, and inertial measurement units. This is a space project!

zakqwyzakqwy 02/19/2015 at 00:489 Comments


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Andy Z wrote 02/22/2015 at 02:09 point

Very impressive first tethered test, looks like you got a lot of lift from it. Can't wait to see the next test video. 

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jlbrian7 wrote 02/20/2015 at 01:51 point

Good job!  I am looking forward to more up dates.

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Gabriel wrote 02/19/2015 at 15:10 point

Hey hey hey! I see progress!  I also see that taking off will be tricky while untethered. next you should hookup the IMU and use a single string from the top and have only manual control over the thrust. that way you will know if the gimbal is fast enough to balance the bot.

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zakqwy wrote 02/19/2015 at 15:16 point

Great idea! Agreed on the next test setup--a single tether from the top mirrors some of Morpheus' early tests. I might still include a 'safety tether' at the bottom to prevent GimbalBot from crashing into my ceiling; unfortunately, it's still way too cold in Mpls to do any testing outdoors.

I'll probably spend a bit of time getting 'boring testing logistics' in order; in my experience (i.e. the two thrust testing rig designs) it's worth taking the time to get a test setup really dialed in prior to gathering data. That means lots of cable organization and so forth. I'm hoping to pick up a high amperage power supply so I can power the ESCs without needing to constantly recharge LiPo batteries, and I want to get live datalogging set up as well. Getting this test working was a bit of a sprint; now I need to clean up the details.

Thanks for the comment!

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Peter McCloud wrote 02/19/2015 at 18:52 point

Great job so far! I agree about having the safety tether under neath. Just FYI I'm looking to add force measurements to my testing and Mouser has some Load Cells for $34. Just ordered them this morning. FX1901.

Good luck with the rest of the testing! 

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zakqwy wrote 02/19/2015 at 18:53 point

Good call Peter--sounds way easier than bare strain gages. Can't wait to see Goliath get off the ground, your last video was terrific!

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Stryker295 wrote 02/19/2015 at 04:48 point

Wow! Definitely going crazy there towards the end—somewhat surprised that you didn't don safety goggles, but glad to see it in motion! Perhaps look for a tripod next time? ;P

Also as an aside: Have you looked into wireless PS3 controllers? I see those used frequently for untethered robotics....

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zakqwy wrote 02/19/2015 at 15:12 point

Good call on a tripod.. I should probably get a proper camera at some
point too, my phone isn't the best for video I'm afraid. I actually was
wearing safety glasses (the red framed deals in the video), although a
face shield or blast wall might be more appropriate. I haven't looked
into wireless PS3 controllers; I have a few Xbox360 controllers with
receivers already, so ideally I'll get those working. I ran into trouble
getting the controller to pair with the receiver when attached to the
Due's native port, but I suspect it will work with a bit more tinkering.

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Stryker295 wrote 02/19/2015 at 23:36 point

Ah! Couldn't really tell about the glasses, I just watched on my phone, m'bad. Only reason I brought up
the PS3 controllers is because it's one less receiver to have to worry
about—they connect over bluetooth, just like Wii Remotes. If you already
have wireless XBox controllers though best of luck with that!

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