Research scientist in Northern Nevada. Ham radio call sign: KG7TEC
3D printed prototype for a knife scale for the Kershaw Cryo. Designed in Solidworks and printed on a Makerbot Replicator 2.
For a teen summer camp I co-taught, we taught the students how to make Adafruit NeoPixel accelerometer bands that light up based on movement.
A quicky Arduino project with an LED that translates and blinks based on Morse code input.
At a girl's maker workshop for kids 8-11, I taught the girls how to make BlinkSticks--programmable USB drives that change color based on the input
At a girl's maker workshop for kids 8-11, I taught the girls how to make BlinkSticks--programmable USB drives that change color based on the input
For the 2014 NASA Space Apps Challenge, my team and I made a working, space-themed Pip-Boy 3000--complete with a working Giger counter and vital sensors.
A few years ago I made my own PirateBox. A PirateBox is a DIY anonymous offline file-sharing and communications system built with free software and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware
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