I wrote a book on creating Android apps that interface directly with hardware on the BeagleBone Black. It is published by Packt Publishing, and the ISBN is 9781784392161
DECAF Binary Analysis Platform
A dynamic executable code analysis framework (DECAF). It is a modified QEMU with an added analysis plugin system for analyzing malware using virtual machine introspection and instruction-level data flow analysis.
BeagleSNES cape for BeagleBone Black
A cape board for interfacing the BeagleBone Black directly with NES and SNES controllers. WIP.
A customized Android OS image and build process for the BeagleBone Black. It uses a 3.8 Linux kernel for full capemgr and dynamic device tree overlay support.
BeagleSNES turns the BeagleBone Black and BeagleBoard-xM into complete stand-alone retro-gaming appliances.