Amnos LinkE Breakout
Amnos LinkE Breakout can be used for online debugging and downloading of WCH RISC-V MCU, and also for online debugging and downloading of ARM MCU with SWD/JTAG interface. It also comes with a serial port for easy debugging output.

- Support 3.3V/5V dual power output
- Support USB to TTL serial port function
- Support RISC-V chip single/dual line download debugging
- Support ARM MCU with SWD/JTAG interface for downloading and debugging
- Support firmware auto-detection and upgrade
- 3.3V/5V output power supply controllable
- Red and blue LED indicators, easy to view the working status
- Support the upper computer one key to switch the working mode
Development Tools
User Manual: WCH-LinkUserManual-EN.PDF
WCH-Link Local Burning Tool: WCH-LinkUtility.ZIP
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): MounRiver Studio(MRS)
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