
Makerville Knit

Knit is a breakout board to build WiFi enabled things.

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Based on the Marvell Semiconductor's 88MW300 WiFi micro-controller, Knit helps you build secure applications.

Knit's features :

  • 32-bit Cortex M4F at 200Mhz
  • 4MB flash with XIP support, 512k RAM
  • 802.11 b/g/n with FCC, IC, CE certification
  • Supports open source tools like the GCC ARM toolchain, Eclipse IDE & OpenOCD debugger

  • 1 × AWCU300 WiFi module Azurewave's FCC/CE certified module for Marvell 88MW300
  • 1 × 4Mb Flash
  • 1 × LM1117 Power Management ICs / Linear Voltage Regulators and LDOs

  • Update #2 - Early access to Knits

    Anuj Deshpande06/11/2016 at 13:47 0 comments

    We have tested a small batch of Knit boards and are now almost ready for the big leagues. We'd love to get your feedback and that's why we are doing an early access program over the next few weeks.

    If you would like to be a part of the this program, please head over to preorder the Knit boards. The price is set as $15 + $3 shipping for international folks, and ₹999 for folks from India. Shipping is free for our Indian friends.

    We even revised our specs a little. We now have an onboard USB to serial converter for programming and console. You can find the full set of features on

    Please note that the boards are expected to ship around the second week of July. Once you have pre-ordered, we'll get in touch with you to collect addresses and any additional details that we might need.

  • Update #1 for Knit : Industrial strength low-cost WiFi

    Anuj Deshpande04/21/2016 at 09:39 0 comments

    Namaste all

    This is Anuj from the Knit team and I thought I'd say hi to everyone who subscribed to the mailing list/followed the project on a social network.

    Right now, we are towards the end of our prototyping phase. I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the hardware features and get some feedback from fellow devs.

    Breadboard compatibility

    The width is such that it makes 1 column of pins available on either side of the Knit when it is mounted on a breadboard. We understand that one pin is barely anything but we were limited by the module width.

    Protruding module for better range

    We have exposed the PCB antenna of the module such that it hangs over the edge like Stallone from Cliffhanger. Although this trend is quite common, it is not universal.


    We have a power LED which is not controlled by the microcontroller, and a user LED which is linked to a GPIO. This GPIO is also exposed on the pin headers and one can desolder the resistance next to the LED if they require the pin for their interfaces.


    We have a reset button tied directly to the RESETn pin on the controller. Another button is linked to the boot pins and can be used to choose the boot option (UART boot or regular). This second button also acts like a user button as the boot pins are also muxed as GPIOs. So you can potentially use these pins as part of your application but you will have to ensure that no one presses them when they hit reset.
    (The photo of the prototype on that we have has 3 buttons, but we have dropped one of them now)

    tail -f /about/us

    The team behind Knit is 2 people, Rohit and myself. Of course we depend on the software made available by Marvell's IoT team and are grateful for all their efforts and support.

    Rohit is a super geek. You can get stuck in a conversation with him that can start with electric cars (he built a solar powered one in his college days) and end with him talking about his 40W Japanese solder gun. If you happen to have a day or two free, you should hear him talk about how he restored that 70's capacitive speaker made in UK (he is excessively proud of it).

    When not designing projects using KiCad, he can be found learning his new Ukulele.

    You can follow him on twitter or instagram

    - Anuj

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Jon Steel wrote 09/07/2020 at 00:31 point

Hello Anuj,

I was wondering if you had documentation for the wmsdk. It seems that the documentation being very hard to find.  Maybe yourself, or Rohit could be of assistance. 


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Anuj Deshpande wrote 09/07/2020 at 02:19 point

Hi Jon

Marvell used to have an open source version of wmsdk. But it’s not there on GitHub anymore. The department at Marvell which worked on this is now part of NXP as of last year. You’ll have to check NXPs website for any documentation related to wmsdk or 88mw300

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