Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | ATmega328P-PU Atmel AVR Microcontroller DIP Format fuses and bootloader set, see details |
1 | × | NRF24L01+ 2.4Ghz Transciever, Power Amplified alternatively the smaller non amplified version can is interchangeable |
1 | × | 28 Pin Dip Socket for 328, optional |
1 | × | 2x4 Header Socket for the rf24 module, optional |
1 | × | 6x1 Header Pins for ftdi connection |
1 | × | BC557 PNP Transistor to switch the rf24 vcc |
1 | × | 2.2K Ohm Resistor to work with the pnp transistor |
1 | × | 10K Ohm Resistor for the ftdi socket |
2 | × | 100nF ceramic capacitor for the ftdi socket & stabalise328p vcc |
1 | × | 2x AA Battery Holder |
1 | × | "Jiffy" Box |
1 | × | Magnetic Reed Switch & Magnet optional depending what you want to do with it |