
Bad Robot Parenting

A project log for Little Friend

This companion robot, 9000 farads of super capacitance, spends less than eight minutes feeding--then 75 minutes or more she can be a buddy.

mike-rigsbyMike Rigsby 04/23/2016 at 16:152 Comments

"Little Friend" was running around getting exercise (I was clocking run time with specific electrical load) when I exercised bad judgment as a parent.

"Little Friend" was at least 50 feet away from the stairs--around a couple of corners. I turned my back to work on gluing pieces of a project. It took less than a minute.


"Little Friend" took the shortest route to the stairs.

One of the wheels no longer runs true--will have to be replaced. Fortunately, there were no short circuits or broken circuit boards.

NEVER let a little one out of your sight unless dangerous spots are adequately secured.


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Mike Rigsby wrote 05/25/2016 at 13:37 point

I think you are right. I keep getting sidetracked--blinking eyeballs and a smiling mouth are more fun (and less practical) to work on than "stair avoidance."

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Lixie Labs wrote 05/25/2016 at 04:09 point

I believe Roomba vacuums use IR reflectivity sensors against the floor to check for edges like stairs before it's too late.

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