During exercise with adequate fuel and oxygen levels (aerobic respiration), muscle cells can contract repeatedly without fatigue. During anaerobic (or non-oxygen) conditions muscle cells must rely on other reactions that do not require oxygen to fuel muscle contraction - these other reactions cause a buildup of lactic acid, resulting in fatigue and performance drop off.
With these facts in mind, is it not unreasonable to hypothesise that a device that increases oxygen intake can prolong the transition from aerobic to a anaerobic respiration - allowing you to push your limit (anaerobic threshold) for longer with no fatigue?
Finding an answer is the purpose of this project.
Achieving super-human sprint distances is the goal...
(Prototype under construction, images currently featured are for conceptualising only and are NOT my own)
Great Idea very important in these days I am also working on a similar type of project you can see here recumbent bike