
Optical Solution #2 30mm Achromatic Coated Lens Set Up...

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

david-h-haffner-srDavid H Haffner Sr 03/27/2018 at 17:376 Comments

Here is a little test rig I set up real quick to make the image sharper and clear the farther it expands... 


Morning.Star wrote 03/29/2018 at 06:36 point

Wow, thats impressive. Had you thought of using it as the backplane for a small TFT panel? Thats how my 12ft projection TV worked, using overhead projector hardware. The picture was easily as bright as that, and you can throw the original cartoon R&M portal on the wall with it. ;-)
I dont know how hard it would be to strip down a small TFT though, mine was 12" to fit an A4 sized Fresnel.

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MasterOfNull wrote 03/29/2018 at 07:25 point

I was trying to keep the most expensive thing in this build to be the Arduino that drives it, hence the jumping through hoops to use static images.

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Morning.Star wrote 03/30/2018 at 21:42 point

Ah, well that makes more sense. I was just thinking, projecting the original portal doesnt get any more 'real' is all. That is a sweet mechanism you have either way...

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MasterOfNull wrote 03/27/2018 at 21:28 point

I'm making the lens diameter and focal length just variables you can tweak in the model, if you have three of these lenses.  The cheap ones I got are 23mm.  The body model as it stood was only 30mm tall though.  I'll change it to 35mm.

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 03/27/2018 at 23:23 point

I have two 30mm lenses, but I have three 18mm lenses, they will work fine, the image dia. will be smaller but distance will not be affected much.

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MasterOfNull wrote 03/29/2018 at 07:29 point

The 18mm lenses should pretty much exactly match the "real thing". Just give me the focal length, or about in a day you can download the source and do it yourself.

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