
Gearing done.

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 03/28/2018 at 06:451 Comment

I didn't have enough room to fit the servo anywhere, so I had to change how I drove the rings and add an idler gear.  

I added some labels while I was at it so I don't mix and match incompatible parts during assembly when I have a desk full of prototypes later on.

This one is rendered for a 23mm lens with a 17mm focal length.

This one is rendered for a 30mm lens with a 40mm focal length.

And yes... all I had to change was the two numbers.  You can scale most of the variables the same way.  Even the gearing changes size automatically.  I'm rather proud of that..

The servo being below the portal fluid hole here won't matter.  The LED's are going above it, flush with the top.

What did matter was that I had room underneath it as directly below the fluid on the bottom is where my fan is going to go.

I also switched out the stand in portal fluid jar to the actual ring which will mount it.

Now I need to generate the internal structure.


David H Haffner Sr wrote 03/28/2018 at 07:51 point

That is very clever how U did that type of movement with the idler gear, I was wondering how the projection mechanism was actually going to work :)

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