
Arduino compatible Machine Vision dev board

HICAT.Liver it's powerful cam platform which embed professional webcam solution and atmel mcu: 1.100% Arduino competiable2.ARM based Linux

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About two years ago when I doing my industrial design assignment I wanna find out a hardware solution to let me have a FPV(first person view) experience remotely. My use case at that time was to know how my dog(Happy) doing(visually) feel(current temperature) and behaved(accelerometer data) at home while I learning at my Uni. At that time I really couldn't find out any proper solutions for this. My teacher told me that I could hook up an IP cam with an arduino, you know this gonna be sucks. However, my project ended up with an wifi embed arduino like chip which can stream the accer and temp data through twitter.

two years later, really thanks to maker movement and fast growing webcam industry in Shenzhen. I think I could keep on doing my assignment and go for HD :p. I've grouped up a brunch of talented guys and get the project ongoing.

Detail features and descriptions coming up soon!

I will keep on updating...

The project has officially launched to Kickstarter

Main Features:


1. H.264 codec 720p/25fps HD video Live stream (under 300ms lag), 320p/25fps (100ms)

2.Atmel 32u4 brings pure Arduino IDE supported.

3.SD card supported(slot)

4.WIFI mudule

5.MPU6050 3-axie accelerometer and Gyroscope.

Software: in rtsp server provide you web api which help you do video live streaming, recording, controling.

2.bridge system which help you communicate between HI3518E and 32U4 mcu, manage the uart ocupation.

3.OpenCV available which enables face/object recognition.

4.Android(ios coming soon) app helps you set up things quicker.

HICAT.Livera contains a Hi3518E arm based chip sets corporate with an Atmel 32U4 MCU. HI3518E is a professional webcam solution which widely used in IP cam industry. Because of the huge marketplace of this technolog which lower down the cost and technical accessibility, that gives us good chance to bring it to makers :p. This powerful board would help makers to extend the ability of any visual based project(home automation, robotic, wearable...)

Of cause the whole project is open source.


The Whole project is Licenced under CERN Open Hardware Licence.



RAW HD H264 video output

Robot kit


schematic diagram

Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.13 MB - 03/23/2016 at 17:05


  • 1 × HI3518E 1.ARM9@Max. 440 MHz; 2.H.264 encoding; 3.Integrated 16-bit DDR2,Maximum capacity of 512 Mbits.
  • 1 × Atmega32U4 The ATmega32U4 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture.Support the arduino IDE development.sors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × Mpu6050 three axis accelerometer
  • 1 × MT7601-WIFI Module supports 150 Mbps PHY rate. It fully complies with IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11 b/g standards, offering feature-rich wireless connectivity.At high standards,and delivering eliable,cost-effective throughput om an extended distance.Optimized RF architecture and baseband algorithms provide superb performance and low power consumption.
  • 1 × Camera Module-OV9712 sensitivity: 3300 mV/Lux-sec; max S/N ratio: 39 dB; pixel size: 3 µm x 3 µm;

  • kickstartering!!

    Joseph09/20/2016 at 17:15 0 comments

    The project has officially launched to Kickstarter

    Welcome support to help us spread the low cost machine vision project to the world! XD

  • line tracking

    Joseph08/23/2016 at 20:36 0 comments

    This is an image capture and openCV line tracking app, I've write a C program which keep getting images(yuv format) from Livera, then using openCV api to detect the black line and draws down marks on the image, constantly updating and viewing the updated image through web interface.

  • Preparing for kickstarter

    Joseph07/22/2016 at 20:56 0 comments

    sorry guys for the long disappear. I've been preparing for the ks campaign these days. I have to shot a nice video included all the features of the board(robot making, HD video capturing, CV lineTracking, dog feeder..).

    to be further, Do you guys have any questions or advices? please left it here tought. :p

  • Preparing for kickstarter

    Joseph07/22/2016 at 20:55 0 comments

    soory guys for the long disappear. I've been preparing for the ks campaign these days. I have to shot a nice video included all the features of the board(robot making, HD video capturing, CV lineTracking, dog feeder..).

    to be further, Do you guys have any questions or advices? please left it here tought. :p

  • Second batch of the board(final version)

    Joseph05/17/2016 at 14:51 0 comments

    1. adding ceramic antenna in order to reinforce the signal when external antenna is off.

    2. fixed outside shape to have better identity and user friendly when adding breakout board.

    3. adjust the screw hole so that the screw wont affect the nearby electronic.

    4. fixed the silk print layout.


    Joseph04/25/2016 at 15:52 0 comments

    Just Played a 'hello world' demo with native node.js through crosscompile. :-)

  • Android app ongoing

    Joseph04/25/2016 at 15:46 0 comments

    Android app demo serve as a client to Live stream the video feed and sent command back. This is an demo app which aims to help you as an reference to build your own app.

  • Dog feeder demo 3D printed and assemble the bits

    Joseph04/21/2016 at 21:42 0 comments

    Dog feeder demo mechanical bit finished. It has take me almost 90 hours to get all the stuff printed out.

    parts include:

    1. 1 axie pan-tilt

    2. slow feed bowl

    3. main body with exited food container

    4. auger.

    5. body-container connector

    The original idea of this demo is to feed my pet and watch him eat remotely. I gonna build a web page to demostrate the video feed through some third party service and also manul control the feeder through internet.

  • Dog feeder demo application

    Joseph04/19/2016 at 18:37 0 comments

    I thought it might be intersting if I could feed my dog while watch him eating remotely. I want the Livera could stream the video feed directly to my computer or mobile through internet. I looking for some third party web service like this, which could let me embed the vedio feed into a website.

  • A pan-tilt demo Application

    Joseph04/19/2016 at 18:27 0 comments

    Just built a servo pan-tilt demo which feature in X/Y axie rotation. I thought this application might fit several usecase like robotic or home security. I will 3d print out the pan-tilt to test the usability, after that I would upload the source file.

View all 13 project logs

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Jinbuhm Kim wrote 09/22/2016 at 05:24 point

Is it Open Source Hardware?

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Joseph wrote 09/22/2016 at 16:38 point

Yes, will upload all the source file once the final design done.

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Jinbuhm Kim wrote 09/23/2016 at 01:31 point

Good !

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ArsenioDev wrote 06/17/2016 at 15:32 point

Holy crap, it has the camera on an extensible ribbon cable! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for!

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Joseph wrote 06/17/2016 at 16:07 point

Really XD?  could you tell me more about your project?

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ArsenioDev wrote 06/17/2016 at 18:35 point

Sentry turret for pest deterrence. Seriously, the deer out in my neck of the woods get really annoying. 

Not live-fire, will be using paintballs

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ArsenioDev wrote 06/17/2016 at 18:35 point

Sentry turret for pest deterrence. Seriously, the deer out in my neck of the woods get really annoying. 

Not live-fire, will be using paintballs

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Domen wrote 05/24/2016 at 12:50 point

What will the price of the module be?

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Joseph wrote 05/24/2016 at 13:06 point

Its depend on the quantity, but I pretty sure that it will be cheaper than all of the competitor according to the relatively low cost of manufacturing in Shenzhen. I recently working on demos for the ks campaign, I will release the price at that time tough. :-)   

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OzQube wrote 04/19/2016 at 04:23 point

Interesting project! Are you using off-the-shelf firmware for the HI3518E, or do you have access to the SDK to develop a custom solution?

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Joseph wrote 04/19/2016 at 04:46 point

Thanks! :p All the custom software is build upon Huawei's SDK. They've provided a embed linux system and some low level apis for image processing. We will open up all the source file includes SDK and the Software we've done like RTSP server, OpenCV API,  bridge system(manage serial communication and occupation from internet and mcu.)

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OzQube wrote 04/19/2016 at 05:15 point

Is it Huawei? I thought it was HiSilicon? I'm interested in building a cam application using this chip, but a different sensor. 

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Joseph wrote 04/19/2016 at 05:20 point

Yea, HiSilicon is from Huawei. The chip is awesome with the performance and the low cost. :p Can you talk about your project?

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OzQube wrote 04/19/2016 at 05:22 point

I have sent you a PM!

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