
C2-1 "NOMAD"

A Roomba based research for artistic expression

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the create2 is a remanufactured 600 series Roomba vacuum cleaner with a serial port.
im naming this robot c2-1 for create two 1. the project is titled nomad for the many changes and stages the robot will undergo as i learn to code robotics.

this is my first robotics platform.

I recently unboxed a Create2 programmable robot from I-robot. i will be posting my research as i learn the ins and outs of the OI. i will also update photos and videos occasionally. because i am learning and have no actual intention to use this robot for anything other than learning and research the project is likely to change direction at any moment. hence "NOMAD"


OI specs

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Arduino tuts

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helpful usb to serial cable build instructions

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here is a template for the Create2 faceplate. this file can be used to modify, create skins and graphics if you wish

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  • 1 × irobot create2 remanufactured 600 roomba series robotic base
  • 1 × usb to serial provided with robot
  • 1 × serial cable
  • 1 × the mercy and endurance of the lord jesus christ

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