1Step 1
NOTE: These instructions only go over the basic connections to and from the device. LED layout stuff is your problem. Please also note that these instructions are currently INCOMPLETE.
2Step 2
Assemble the device using the parts listed in the component list and the schematic.
3Step 3
Program the device
4Step 4
Attach 3 pin 0.1" female headers to the DI and DO ends of your 5V WS2812 LED strips, with any necssary wiring in-between. Pin order is from top to bottom: Ground, Data, 5V. Refer to this image set for an example. The device can connect up to 8 variably sized strips in series, with power. However, with enough wiring, you can connect as many as your power supply can handle. (INCOMPLETE)
5Step 5
Attach a 4 pin 0.1" female header to the input side of your 12V 5050 RGB LED strip, with any necssary wiring in-between. Pin order is from left to right: 12V, G, R, B. Refer to this image set for an example. The device is only able to output color to a single segment, and I have tested 54 LEDs on it without any problems.
6Step 6
Attach a 3 pin 0.1" female header to the TL1838 IR receiver, with any necssary wiring in-between. Pin order is from left to right: Data, Ground, 5V. You should be able to use other recievers like the TSOP38238 if the voltage and pinouts are compatible, but you will need to change a timing variable in the program.
7Step 7
Attach a 4 pin 0.1" female header to your power supply's output, with any necssary wiring and connectors in-between. Pin order is from top to bottom: 12V, Ground, Ground, 5V. Refer to this image set for an example. Please make sure you do not mix anything up, as there is no protection in this hardware version.
8Step 8
OPTIONAL Attach a 4 pin 0.1" female header to a cable leading to one of your computer's internal USB headers. You will need to attach the necessary 5 pin 0.1" female header to the other end, and ensure pinouts are correct. Alternatively, you can just use the micro USB port on the device.
9Step 9
Change the appropriate variables in the program depending on how many LEDs you plan to use, etc. Also need to program in your remote's buttons
10Step 10
Connect all LED strips, and IR reciever to the device, while making sure all connections match up. Refer to this image for device output and input pin locations and pinouts.
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