1Step 1
Building the hardware:
- Clone the following repository box0-v5-hardware.
- Send the box0-v5-hardware/manuf/ files for manufacturing.
- Buy the components as given in BOM (or hackaday page) box0-v5-hardware/box0.csv
- Populate the components.
- Clone the following repository box0-v5-firmware
- Flash the firmware (via DFU - see README) as given in box0-v5-firmware/extra/dfu-script
- At this point, after re-plugging, the blue LED should come up
2Step 2
Building libbox0 (cmake build system)
- Clone the repository libbox0
- see README and install all required dependencies
- goto the root of the repository.
- `$mkdir build` - make a directory to keep build files.
- `$cd build` - enter in build directory
- `$cmake ..` - tell cmake that build files are in parent directory and prepare for build
- `$make` - build libbox0. (you can use `make -j4` to speed up. the 4 signify the number of processor to use. warn: it can hang while building.
- `$make install` - install the binary and header
You can install the binaries and header to non-standard location but require advanced steps. (only simple for now)
3Step 3
Building libreplot (cmake build system)
- Clone the repository libreplot
- see README and install all required dependencies
- goto the root of the repository.
- `$mkdir build` - make a directory to keep build files.
- `$cd build` - enter in build directory
- `$cmake ..` - tell cmake that build files are in parent directory and prepare for build
- `$make` - build libbox0. (you can use `make -j4` to speed up. the 4 signify the number of processor to use. warn: it can hang while building.
- `$make install` - install the binary and header
You can install the binaries and header to non-standard location but require advanced steps. (only simple for now)
4Step 4
Building Box0 Studio (cmake build system)
- Clone the repository box0-studio-qt
- see README and install all required dependencies
- goto the root of the repository
- `$mkdir build` - make a directory to keep build files.
- `$cd build` - enter in build directory
- `$cmake ..` - tell cmake that build files are in parent directory and prepare for build
- `$make` - build Box0 Studio. (you can use `make -j4` to speed up. the 4 signify the number of processor to use. warn: it can hang while building.
- (optional) `$make install` - install the binary
- Clone the repository box0-studio-qt
5Step 5
Building LiaB Studio (cmake build system)
- Clone the repository liab-studio-qt
- see README and install all required dependencies
- goto the root of the repository
- `$mkdir build` - make a directory to keep build files.
- `$cd build` - enter in build directory
- `$cmake ..` - tell cmake that build files are in parent directory and prepare for build
- `$make` - build LiaB Studio. (you can use `make -j4` to speed up. the 4 signify the number of processor to use. warn: it can hang while building.
- (optional) `$make install` - install the binary
6Step 6
Connect box0-v5 (Box0 hardware) and start Box0 Studio -> Oscilloscope and have fun!
7Step 7
TODO: add step for building Box0 Studio - Android
TODO: add step for building LiaB Studio - Android
TODO: add a note that hard to repositories like libcsv, lmfit are kept in madresistor gitlab page. (did i actually do that? :)
TODO: installing various programming language bindings
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