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Dual Motor Driver Carrier
12A continuous output current (max 30A) per motor, voltage from 5.5 to 24V
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DC motor 6V, 280 RPM, 90 oz-in
high-power 6V, 280 RPM free-run, 90 oz-in
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Arduino Mega 2560
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Bluetooth BTM-222
range up to 100 m in the open ground
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position accuracy 2.5m CEP
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MinIMU-0 v2
Gyro (L3GD20), Accelerometer and Compass (LSM303DLHC)
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Ultrasonic sensor HC-05
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Lipo cell batteries 7.4V, 2200 mAh
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SD card
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Step-Down Voltage Regulator D24V22F5
5V, 2.5A
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Raspberry Pi 2 or zero
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RPi camera
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High Precision Atmospheric Sensor - BME280
Transducers and Encoders / Encoders