
3D Printable Portable Slit Lamp

A portable, cost effective 3D printable eye diagnostic apparatus

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According to eHealth, 550 million people have vision problems in India, from which 80 % of the people are those whom problems can be treated if the problems can be identified at the early stage.
Slit lamp is a medical device usable in diagnose the problems related to human eye. It is an instrument consisting of a high-intensity light source that can be focused to shine a thin slit of light into the eye.

Currently available slit lamps are too big and very expensive. They have a very complex structure. There are some portable ones also available but they are also very expensive.

We are making a portable slit lamp which whole design can be 3D printed. It have very less components and it is very light weight also, because of that it can be carried from one place to other as well as repaired easily.

Slit lamp is a medical device usable in diagnose the problems related to human eye. It is an instrument consisting of a high-intensity light source that can be focused to shine a thin slit of light into the eye.

The binocular slit-lamp examination provides a stereoscopic magnified view of the eye structures in detail, enabling anatomical diagnoses to be made for a variety of eye conditions.

Currently available slit lamps are too big and very expensive. They have a very complex structure. There are some portable ones also available but they are also very expensive.

We are making a portable slit lamp which whole design can be 3D printed. It have very less components and it is very light weight also.

Comparison between Existing Slit lamps and 3D Printable Portable Slit Lamp:

3D Printable Portable Slit Lamp:

The design is so that it facilitates portability to the user. With minimum number and very fundamentally designed components, this can be taken along/printed at your desired place. It also makes it really cost effective and affordable to almost each section of the society in need, specially those who can not afford large expenditures on initial identification of the problems.

It comprises of :

i. An additional head-strap which can directly be worn by the patient with ease of adjustability and usage.

ii. Slit Dial, which is of 12mm length with varied width options (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 .... 1.6mm)

iii. Filter Dial, which consists of five different kind of filters

•Red free: Wave length 540nm

•Blue: Wave length 450nm

•Neutral Density: 0.8


•IR heat absorbing

iv. Light Source, a 4W, 300lm LED torch

v. Eye Piece, 15X magnification lense

Portable Slit Lamp.STEP

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  • 1 × 3D printed Parts of the design: Light Source Holder, Eye piece, Slit Dial, Filter Dial, Different Links
  • 1 × Head Starp
  • 1 × Collimating Lenses: 45mm Focal length lenses
  • 1 × Light Source: 4W LED Torch
  • 1 × Eye Piece Lens: 15X Magnification Lens

View all 6 components

  • First Test of Slit Lamp Design

    KEWAL CHAND SWAMI06/18/2016 at 15:26 0 comments

    After making the design changes I have done the first test of Slit Lamp.

  • Design Modification and 3D Printing of Mount Parts

    KEWAL CHAND SWAMI06/17/2016 at 14:35 0 comments

    After the procurement of the Head Strap, I have made some changes in the designs of positioning link, chin rest link and light source adjusting link.

    Because after printing the previous designs of mount parts, I found out that the links are little longer due to that light intensity is reducing while reaching to the eye.

    Updated Design Render:

  • 3D printing of the components

    KEWAL CHAND SWAMI04/25/2016 at 18:23 0 comments

    We have printed the different components of the design in PLA using the Fracktal Works "JULIA" 3D printer.

  • Optics Design

    KEWAL CHAND SWAMI04/25/2016 at 18:16 1 comment

    We are using a 4W LED as a light source. LED works as a point source because of that light disperse in all the directions. But we need a slit of colimating light.

    So we have designed the optics for the slit lamp apparatus using a optics software. We have run some simulation by putting different focal length lenses in between the light source and the slit dial.

    Finally we got desired simulation results by using two 45 mm focal length lenses.

    Problem definition for the simulation:

    Final simulation results with 45 mm focal length lenses:

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

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Sadiq Mohamed wrote 08/05/2016 at 11:23 point

Excellent work. This will be a very popular device. I am very familiar as a patient with the traditional system and this is a huge improvement for small temporary clinics. good luck.

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KEWAL CHAND SWAMI wrote 08/13/2016 at 15:36 point

Thank you.

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mark.croft.1975 wrote 08/05/2016 at 10:41 point

well done hope it wil help a lot of people overcome there sight problems.

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KEWAL CHAND SWAMI wrote 08/13/2016 at 15:36 point

Thank you.

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Vijay wrote 06/18/2016 at 21:11 point

Looks awesome @KEWAL CHAND SWAMI!

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KEWAL CHAND SWAMI wrote 06/19/2016 at 11:14 point

Thank You

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Vijay wrote 04/25/2016 at 18:40 point

Great discription!

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