Step 1
Using the software, step by step
- Install software. Make sure there is write access to the program folder! Start Software. Plug in your USB camera. Make sure it is recognized by Windows as USB device.

- Connect Spekwin32 with webcam by using "Connect Webcam" from the "Spectrometer" menu. You might additionally by asked by Windows to select the webcam. A new window will pop up, with the webcam image plus some controls. A first image cross-section will be displayed in the spectral plot window.

- Start live data acquisition by using "Run Acquisition" from the "Spectrometer" menu. You will now see the spectrum plot continously updating.

- For measuring emission spectra, it might be useful to subtract a background, in order to get rid of ambient lighting and/or detector offset. For this, switch off your light source and press the [Save dark spectrum] button from the webcam image window. Afterwards, activate "Use Dark Spectrum" from the "Spectrometer" menu.

- For measuring transmittance/ absorbance, you have to first acquire a reference spectrum. Do so by removing any sample from the light path, have the light source turned on and press the [Save reference spectrum] button from the webcam image window. Afterwards, the two measurement modes become acessible. By choosing them, the spectral display changes accordingly. Without a sample inserted, the transmittance curve will sit at 100%, while the absorbance curve will sit around zero. Having a look into this helps to learn about the longer-term stability of your measurement.

- For single frame pictures, use the [GRAB] button instead of Live Acquisition.

- To invert your spectrum picture, activate the "flip horizontally". Needed for all setups, where there is red on the left side of the picture.
- If the spectrum part does not fill the webcam image completely, use the white frame to define the region for calculating the cross-secting. It can be shifted around with left mouse and also resized, by grabbing the corner handles.
- As last step, after setting the ROI, use the "set wavelength range" to create a linear wavelength scale... Try with live acquisition and "Show Peak Labels" activated and a spectrum with some known peaks, to get reasonable results.
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