A recent picture of the new fuselage! Not such a beautiful shape, but simple, and strong!
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05/28/2018 at 09:59
Top-down view. ...And that's it for the historical pictures, at least for now. The next version after this one is the one chosen as the mascot for the project.. the one that begins to convince people it might actually work..
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04/04/2018 at 02:21
Tired of making scale models, I go back to full-scale. Another terminated project. The thing shakes like jello. I actually present this at a maker fair. During the brief time when I'm proud of it, as opposed to embarrassed.
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04/04/2018 at 02:18
I get super fancy. For the first time, the plane doesn't crash, because I provide it with a launch system such that it can't get seriously damaged. The final flight is actually successful, within a limited definition. Unfortunately, it's too dark to see anything in the video. I think the frame of this has finally been thrown out, the wings survive. An aeronautical engineer convinces me to go back to aft-tail designs for stability reasons.
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04/04/2018 at 02:15
Now, I have. I went the full 9-yards, and figured out a way to taper my wings. Am I still using magazine pages for the wing surfacing material? Yes I am. Did I actually do tests to find out if these would be strong enough to support my weight in the air? yes I did. Are the ribs made of card-board? yes they are. I was confident enough at this point that I did actually invite a local aviator over.
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04/04/2018 at 02:11
I decide to graduate from cardboard. Looks now like I'm taking the standing thing seriously (can't have been with the cardboard..), I'm at least trying to validate building methods.. It's obvious I've never studied aerodynamics or flight mechanics.
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04/04/2018 at 02:09
First cardboard plane. Somebody convinced me to do a really small one first. I got inspired, and decided to use cardboard, to see if it could work. I can't quite figure out now what I was thinking, I had already had the idea for standing on it while I was building the 2_week one. I might upload videos of the second cardboard plane..
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04/04/2018 at 02:06
Third plane. My first exploration on KISS. Two weeks to build. (the other one was 8 months). Building a launching system took the rest of the summer, and the next (really that long?.. wow). (The tractor never worked.. I can imagine your mouths gaping that I even tried..). It never got launched. Sad tale. Somewhat like Einstein, not realizing he had the answer for years.
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04/04/2018 at 02:01
Second picture of second plane.
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04/04/2018 at 02:00
Second plane I invented myself. The first one was an exploration with bamboo. took ages, weighted a ton. I came to my senses only at the end. Never tried launching it.
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04/04/2018 at 01:58
First plane I ever built. Hang loose. It was awesome. My feet were two feet in the air. Then a bunch of cables snapped. It didn't work that well. I convinced myself I could improve it.
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04/04/2018 at 01:56
Cad image that I show people..
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04/01/2018 at 17:55