
Otto DIY

build your own robot in less than one hour!

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Otto an interactive robot that anyone can make.
What can Otto do? Otto walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles.Why Is Otto special? Otto is completely open source, Arduino compatible, 3D printable, and with a social impact mission to create an inclusive environment for all kids.Otto was design using Autodesk 123D Design (now TinkerCAD) free software you can modify it for customization or further improvements!If you think is difficult to find the parts, you can buy the full kit in our website

Otto was inspired by another robot instructable BoB the BiPed and programmed using code from Zowi.


Otto's differences are in the assembled size (11cm x 7cm x12cm), cleaner integration of components and expressions. Using off the shelf and 3D printed parts, simple electronics connections (almost no welding required), and basic coding skills, you will be able to build your own cute Otto friend in as little as two hours!This Project focuses on how to build the Otto DIY entry version "green", if you want to control via  Bluetooth go to Otto DIY PLUS)

Creative Commons LicenseOttoDIY by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • 1 × Arduino Nano ; preferable with the pins already weld it
  • 1 × Arduino Nano Shield I/O Extension Board Expansion XD-212
  • 1 × Mini usb cable (most Arduino dealers provide the cable)
  • 1 × HC-SR04 Ultrasound sensor.
  • 4 × Mini servo SG90 9g (each one should come with 2 pointed screws and one small screw).

View all 14 components

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Who is Otto?

    An interactive robot that anyone can make!

    What can Otto do?

    Otto walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles.

    Why Is Otto special?

    Otto is completely open source, Arduino compatible, 3D printable, and with a social impact mission to create an inclusive environment for all kids.

    Otto was inspired by another robot instructable BoB the BiPed and programmed using code from another open source biped robot called Zowi.


    Otto's differences are in the assembled size (11cm x 7cm x12cm), cleaner integration of components and expressions. Using off the shelf and 3D printed parts, simple electronics connections (almost no welding required), and basic coding skills, you will be able to build your own cute Otto friend in as little as two hours!

    Otto is design using Autodesk 123D Design software you can modify it for customization or further improvements!

    This instructable focuses on how to build the Otto DIY version - yes, more Ottos are coming and you can stay tuned for updates by subscribing on

    Step 1: First gather all parts and tools

    Gather all the off the shelf parts that you'll need for this assembly. Here's the list:

    1. Arduino Nano; preferable with the pins already weld it

    2. Arduino NANO Shield I/O Extension Board Expansion XD-212

    3. Mini usb cable. (most Arduino dealers provide the cable)

    4. HC-SR04 Ultrasound sensor.

    5. Mini servo SG90 9g x4 (each one should come with 2 pointed screws and one small screw).

    6. 5V Buzzer.

    7. Female to Female breadboard connectors cable 10cm x6.

    8. 4 AA Battery case

    9. 1.5V AA batteries x4.

    10. Mini cross screwdriver. important magnetized

    And then you only need to 3D print 6 parts in total:

    11. 3D printed head.

    12. 3D printed body.

    13. 3D printed leg x2.

    14. 3D printed right foot.

    15. 3D printed left foot.

    Optional: cutter for post cleaning the 3d parts (if the 3d print quality is good enough no need) and a soldering iron (if you want it battery power otherwise can still connect it through usb to energize)

    That's all simple!; Download all .stl files, If you do not have a 3d printer you can always use services like or local maker spaces.

    If you think is difficult to find the parts, go to to buy robots kits.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Step 2: 3D print settings

    Otto is very well designed for 3D printing, the files that you had downloaded are property oriented and centered, so wont give you trouble if you follow this common parameters:

    • Recommended to use a FDM 3D printer with PLA material.
    • No need supports or rafts at all.
    • Resolution: 0.15mm
    • Fill density 20%

    You can print individually piece by piece to match the colors of the original design or optionally print all at the same time in an area of 14cm x 14cm.

    For slicing and generating the g code for the machine free slicer software like Cura or in our case FlashPrint that comes with the FlashForge Finder 3D printer that we are using (If you are outsourcing the printing no need to worry about it)

    After printing you will need to clean a little bit the legs and feet areas that fix the motors.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Step 3: Reorganize & check your parts from bottom to top.

    As mention in step 2, Micro servo motors come with 3 screws in the picture are now included and rearranged the parts number for easy reading.

    Remember to have ready your magnetized mini screwdriver.

View all 12 instructions

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Florian Festi wrote 2 days ago point

Has anyone looked into moving the electronics to a more powerful micro controller yet. The Arduino really struggles due to the lack of  timers. Also remote control via WLAN or Bluetooth would be really cool.

Having a similar breakout board and not needing a custom circuit board would be really nice, though. 

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