Well, I thought that's what the description was for, but this seems nice.
The box was designed around the idea of leaving it at work/school do do my bidding in low usage times. It's got 12v in (on two RCA jacks because I think it looks nice and it's an accessible input method) so I can hang the whole system of a molex cable or my works cutesy little solar system, pumped directly into a 50W chinese DC-DC step down converter, and then bumped back up to 12V with a step up for things like fans (because I don't trust the input, on solar it could go from anywhere from 10v to 14v). The 5V goes directly into the GPIO pins of the Pi, because the barrel jack's a cumbersome pain (wouldn't have had to ride my bike to Jaycar had I realized this at the start), it also uses a USB OTG adaptor as a micro usb breakout to power the router, a custom power cable runs the 2.5" disk, and there are two female ports on the front connected to the 5v source with their data pins shorted.
There's a female ethernet jack on the face of the box wired up to the router, then the lan connection on the router is connected to the Pi through a flat ethernet cable.
Another USB OTG adaptor and a female micro USB breakout board is used as a makeshift male usb breakout connector, and is wired up to the same thing, essentially making a really thin (male or female) to (male or female) usb cable. This is in turn wired up to a USB to SATA adaptor connected to the 2.5" disk.
I planned for some fans but at this point the box is rather cramped (and they haven't arrived yet) so they can wait.
More details in the logs.
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