
Arduino Glasses a HMD for Multimeter

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Building an HMD with no special parts, to make work easier and safer


Carlos Bardelotti wrote 08/28/2018 at 01:16 point

Parabens pelo projeto Arduino Glass, sou do Brasil.... Sou estudante de analise e desenvolvimento de sistemas, gostaria de usar seu  projeto para tentar fazer implementacao, tentar desenvolver um sistema que interage com o arduino glass com celular atraves do

Bluetooh , conseguindo essa proeza disponibilizarei o codigo para voce, colocari um link para que todos veem seu projeto Arduino Glass. Um abraco.

Congratulations on the Arduino Glass project, I'm from Brazil .... I'm a student of analysis and development of systems, I would like to use your project to try to implement, try to develop a system that interacts with arduino glass with cell phone throughBluetooh, achieving this feat will make available the code for you, will place a link so that everyone sees your project Arduino Glass. A hug.

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Gangadhar Vaidy wrote 12/08/2017 at 20:00 point


I am thinking about installing a ready made eye piece in the display box. That can replicate a monitor or tablet screen. Some what similar to OLED viewfinder in new mirror-less cameras.

Do you think that will work. I know I might have to change the lens, but the mirror and reflector will work or not. 


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