

Workshop/lab and "smart home"-prototype.

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Shipping container turned into a workshop/lab, insulated and wired/electrified with plenty of outlets and possibilities for smart additions and maybe at one point "off the grid".

Shipping containers are already able to go all over the world and as such would be the perfect solution for the up and coming hacker/-space that might be strapped for space or mobility.

Started out as storage during a move and will hopefully end up an proving ground for some of my ideas.

Plans/(Want)To Dos

  • NFC/RFID Identification.
  • Alarm/Security system.
  • Motorize the doors (So it's possible to close the doors from inside).
  • Fans for an more active ventilation system.
  • Heating (Winter is coming) and a proper inner wall for when the container doors are open.


Electrical "boxes" and conductors inside the walls for wiring and sockets/light fixtures.

JPEG Image - 2.61 MB - 08/22/2016 at 13:34


  • 1 × 20' Shipping container
  • 1 × 40mmx70mm Lumber Internals for the walls
  • 68 × Insulation 70mm thick 1200x600mm sheets
  • 17 × OSB (Oriented strand board) Walls
  • 48 × Electrical (in wall) boxes "Small" For outlets and such

View all 17 components

  • Pardon the long intermittens

    csp09/21/2017 at 20:01 0 comments

    Have spent countless hours writing and rewriting a satisfactory "protocol" for my canbus-net, still not done by any means but thus far I've added a cyberpunk touch of LED lighting.

    It's far from dead, just improperly kept by a inconsiderate handler :/

  • Remote?!

    csp05/12/2017 at 20:13 0 comments

    In an attempt to keep stuff seperated from "the internetz", NRF24L01+ based Arduino Pro "mini" on the back of an 2.4" SPI TFT LCD with working touch support.

    *Repurposing the code from an OLD! wearable project, menu items are just a bunch of placeholder that never got developed beyond some harcoded IR remote control*

  • Coming out of hibernation :D

    csp04/07/2017 at 18:44 0 comments

    Got some of the insulation (especially in the floor) fitted and some heating added pre-winter.

    Otherwise have spent ALOT of time figuring out smart part and communications, had to replace the ethernet cables used for my CANbus (mostly due to being to much of a hassle to deal with)
    TP cable 2x2x0.22mm2 for the backbone wiring (one for power and one for CANbus),
    and a 3x2x0.14mm2 cable for the "off shoots", again power two for the CANbus back and forth.

    Most of the time have been spent on learning the ins and outs of Arduino/Raspberry Pi/CHIP, python/C, linux in general.

    Have gotten a long way on my "practical" skills thus far so the "getting into a digital/theoretical" mindset is something new and brings awhole bunch of new challenges :)

  • CAN-tinuation

    csp09/06/2016 at 15:25 0 comments

    Added some brains to the bus in the way of a Raspberry Pi B+

    Followed this for the most part

  • My first fan

    csp08/26/2016 at 16:04 0 comments

    First of (atleast) four, the 12V fan is mounted on a 3D printed base fitted into a (I think 80mm drainage pipe) and is placed over the holes for the premade vents and partially open within the wall to move any possible moisture.

  • Bluetooth 2 CAN

    csp08/26/2016 at 15:47 0 comments

    Having lights controllable over a CAN bus is all well and good but until I can get some intelligence running it all, I got to settle with an Serial (Arduino) to CAN bus solution connected to my computer which quickly got tedious so why not add some wireless-ness to it?

    In comes an cheapo BT to serial module and with some quick app making in

    I got this

  • Tool wall

    csp08/22/2016 at 14:24 0 comments

    Got the last two sections for my tool holder wall.

    Plan is for the solder station (in the upper right) and other "dangerous if forgotten on" tools to be powered from my soon to be CAN bus controlled sockets.

    And as always it will take a while to get any structure going, what is supposed to go where...

  • CAN: the little bus that could

    csp08/22/2016 at 13:23 0 comments

    Received a bunch of MCP2515 + tranceiver modules and started testing it over some old CAT5e cables I had.

    Seeing that it worked, I began running the cables in the walls between the electrical boxes

    The "roof" arduino is controlling the bulb through an SSR

  • Smart sockets/SSR

    csp08/01/2016 at 10:27 1 comment

    First attempt of wiring up what will become the power controllers.

    Based off of MPDMv4 - Universal AC MAINS Dimmer

  • ½ a tool wall

    csp07/27/2016 at 18:03 0 comments

    Half height of what will be my main/electronics tool wall, spacers 3D printed for the heck of it.

View all 10 project logs

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