Things to get done, and veted:
- Serial usart. (Working, fixed in R1.2)
- I2C master. (Working with R1.4.1, a bit finicky but works.)
- Led blink test (DONE WORKS)
- reset button test (DONE WORKS)
- Varify EEPROM (Working R1.4.1)
- Configure and test SPI. (will verify with R1.3)
Code stuffs:
- Configure clocks (clock now have their own library for startup.)
- Stay away from afs as much as possible. (Doing ok, I think.)
- Create custome libraries. (Working on it. But libraries are all present in atmel studio 7.)
- Code base (Work in progress)
- Serial bootloader R1.3 :(DONE)
- Get bootloader working on al1's board (CONFIRMED WORKING).
- Arduino IDE compatability (<- this is going to be fun....)
R1.4.1 is built, tested, and fore sale. The board design is currently frozen.
Pretty neat, keep it up!