
Korg DW-8000 MIDI Enhancer

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To get the Korg DW-8000 synth to understand MIDI CC messages for parameter control.


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Vladistone wrote 10/24/2023 at 07:51 point

Great project!

I immediately had the idea to implement something similar for the korg DSS-1 (according to the DSS-1 circuit diagram based on HD63B03X - installing arduino nano should not be difficult and it’s easy to implement)! All that remains is to check the MIDI implementation chart between DW8000 and DSS-1.
the DSS-1 circuit diagram here:

a part of MIDI-in:

I installed the Arduino Nano on the EX-8000 and DSS-1 - and it turned out to be easier than it seemed during the tutorial!

Here is the installation process on the Korg DSS-1:

Arduino is easier to install on the KLM-788 Jack panel. In this case, power is supplied to the CN26B connector (pins #5 and #6), and you can break the cord pin #2 for RX and TX connections with a MIDI patch cable going to the main board of the KLM-781 CPU-II - HD63B03X.

the value what I needed to recoding was to change the device ID to DSS-1 - 0x0b, in 34 lines of code

аnd I using the control sirface - SSL nucleus2 in 2 CC#-mode - good job!

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Markus wrote 10/03/2023 at 18:49 point

After several unsuccessful tries I finally got the project working on my DW-8000! It seems that at least with the current MIDI arduino library  there is a discrepancy between the MIDI channel numbering as received from the MIDI lib which runs from 1 to 16 and the MIDI channel numbering inside the SysEx Messages which run from 0 to 15. I removed the code parts where there was a check if the declared dwChannel was identical to the incoming message channel, and hardcoded it to only work on channel 1.    

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AnalogWorm wrote 07/14/2018 at 17:18 point

I just bought an EX-8000. Purchased an Arduino Nano today to try this mod. I'll post results. I have my Korg NanoKontrol2 connected to my PC running Cakewalk. The EX-800 is connected via midi to PC and works with Cakewalk. So shouldn't  this combination work with this mod?

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Art Ac wrote 06/29/2017 at 13:28 point

As a DW-8000 fan, a project like this one is like a really cool gift.

I will give it a try for sure.  i have both DW & EX 8000 as well as a DW-6000 :-)

Great job!!

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