Ideal for your party or hallway! Press the big red shiny button and take a photo! It is then saved in a slideshow and prints a copy for you!
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I've hooked the camera and the button to the Raspberry and written a script in Python that allows me to take a photo when pushing the button.
I've also put a ring of WS2812 pixels around the camera to make a flash. They are individually controlled with a Arduino Nano. The video is in Swedish but I'm just saying that it takes a photo when I push the button and it's then saved to the desktop.
So I started this before Hackaday, but here is a breakdown of whats happened.
1. I found a nice acrylic board with bent edges in a dumpster and places the Big Red Shiny Button and a screen in a nice looking symmetrical way.
I then did the maiden job for my Dremel and milled out a hole for the button and screen.
I stripped the screen from it's original case and installed Raspbian on an SD card.
Then is was mounted on a piece of plywood behind the case.
Then I also mounted the camera above the screen.
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The big screen and shiny bezel make this look really great!
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Thanks :) I was lucky to find it!
Marcel Ochsendorf
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The big screen and shiny bezel make this look really great!