
VDO Sumlog II Internals & Repair

Electronic Knot speed meter for boating

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Initially this project came about as the device stopped working. Assuming the circuitry as its about 30 years old, i started working towards replacing it with an arduino to process the sensor signal into output for the speed needle.

But during testing it started working, so im putting this on hold.

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ReinierD wrote 12/17/2023 at 12:16 point

Had a mechanical one with a cable. Hands on a sumlog 2 and will convert it to an electric one. The sumlog 2 gear disintegreted. So I will 3 d print a gear.


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FinnAnders wrote 07/26/2022 at 16:48 point

Have the same object.

Suddenly stop workin tre eg after 32 years. Internals seems ok okular check. Now how come your meter start working?


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