
2D scanning modification

A project log for 3LE - linear laser light engine

a flat, modular and scalable light engine concept for stereolithography and its applications

helgehelge 02/28/2021 at 08:253 Comments

Could multiple layers be printed in a single pass?


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Hexastorm wrote 12/18/2021 at 18:18 point

options I see would be using oxygen inhibition layer like carbon..  or multiple colours and an intersection bundle like xolo lithography

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helge wrote 12/19/2021 at 10:52 point

I guess it's finally time to print the missing parts and assemble a prototype, see how single layer passes work.

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Hexastorm wrote 12/19/2021 at 17:16 point

i would start with one or two laserdiodes... image directly onto a ccd camera  with neutral density filter..  that's how I started with my prism scanner. You would have to argue against the prism concept or find an application with best fit. There must be at least one.. a problem You need to solve is getting the correct focus for all your laser diodes. Due to manufacturing tolerances this is hard

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