1Case mod & buttons wiring
I found this very good tutorial about case & buttons reusing...
Then I decided to try by myself.
Then I connected all buttons to a Sparkfun SX1509 I2C I/O expander.
2Mounted the 2 (bridged) MCUs !
Hi, today I mounted the 2MCUs together...
It now looks like this :
From bottom to top : we have the 2x ESP32, the GPIO expander at center, then the 320x240px TFT w/ legacy GameGear controls PCB on sides.
a small overview :
buttons are responding & bridged screen works !
3ADDED MP3 module
Hi, last week : I added the MP3 Module (DFPlayer MINI) & wired 2x MCUs USBs + added a LED @ same place than original one.
So we have the MP3Module on left side (linked to #2 MCU), BUZZER (linked to MCU#1) on right side & 2 USBs to control BOTH MCUs (via ArduinoIDE) + a micro female USB to power the whole system (@top)
So it can now play BEEPs & MP3 Tracks !
4PWR managment board
Today : started PWR managment board :
5ReScrewing enclosure ('till next time ....)
And used an SDcard extension flexible ribbon to make DFPlayer SD as external
still some work todo ...
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