My Xts-uBASIC keyword set
06/19/2018 at 11:21 • 0 commentsHi, Here is my current BASIC Keywords set:
AND,OR, NOT,MOD PRINT -----------------------> ADDED <?> shortcut CLS LIST, LLIST ,RUN GOTO,GOSUB,RETURN, REM, ------------------------> ADDED <'> shortcut STOP,CONT,PAUSE INPUT, INKEY$ // INKEY$ : non blocking key listening .... IF,THEN FOR,TO,STEP,NEXT VAL() INT(),RND() // int(1.5) -> rounds to 1 // rnd -> returns between 0.00 & 1.00 STR$() // STR$(1) => "1" (allows string concat) LEN(), // LEN("abc") => 3 RIGHT$(),MID$(),LEFT$(), POSITION,LOCATE <COL>,<ROW> LET,DIM, MEM --> function that return free ammount of RAM SAVE,LOAD,NEW, CHAIN, DELETE DIR, ----------------------> ADDED optional extension filter ex: DIR ".BAS" DIRARRAY ------------------> Stores FS list in "DIR$" ARRAY VARIABLE DIRM ----------------------> show FS content for MCU#2 MUTE (toggle mute buzzer) BEEP 100,2 : 1-48 produces some notes, direct freq. otherwise, beeps for 2*50msec PLAY "ABC#" : play some notes of OCTAVE_4 PLAYT5K & PLAYT53 : to play audio (beep) files DRAWBPP : display a 1bpp (B/W) picture to builtin screen DRAWPCT : display a 64K colors picture DRAWSPRT : draw a sprite (portion of a .PCT image file) CIRCLE x,y,r : draw a circle LINE x,y,x2,y2 : draw a line PSET x,y : switch ON a pixel PRESET x,y : switch OFF a pixel RECT x,y,w,h,c,m : c : 0,1,2,3 (black,white,gray, darkGray) // m : 0,1 (draw,fill) TRIANGLE x,y,x,y,x,y,c,m : as same as RECT but draws a triangle BLITT x : 0 stop blitt / 1 trigger blitt / 2 auto blitt (default mode) SCREEN 0/1/2 : switch resolution (128x64, 160x128, 320x240) (TEXT 0/1 -> change text overlay mode) BTN(x) : function get button state LED [1..3], {0,1} : switch on/off a LED ( CONSOLE <out>,<in>,<gfx> : set I/O + GFX main devices ) ( ECHO {0;1} : enable/disable console output ) DELAY x : wait x msec SECS : function that returns nb of seconds elapsed since boot MILLIS : function that returns nb of milli-seconds elapsed since boot UPPER$(str) : function that return UPPERCASE of str STRING$(nbTimes, chr) : function that returns repeating string of nbTimes * CHR$(chr) CHR$( chr ) : function that return a char of given ASCII code SPACE$(nbTimes) : function that returns repeating string of nbTimes * CHR$(32) ASC( str ) : returns ascii code of 1st char of str INSTR( str, toFind ) : returns index of 'toFind' in 'str' (else 0) ABS(x) : return absolute value of number COS(x) : return cos( x in radians) SIN(x) : return sin( x in radians) SQRT(x) : return square-root of x POW(x,y) : return x pow y MIN(x,y) : guess MAX(x,y) : guess ... EXEC "<extCmd>", "[<extArg>]" : to launch an extended command DO "? 3.14" : ~ as eval() in JS, interprets & launch a String expr. DATAF "file", "SZ", "A$", "B" -> feeds A$ & B arrays w/ a PSEUDO CSV file content (ex: file.BAD) of a length of SZ (DATAU "url?", "SZ", "A$", "B" -> will do as same but with an URL) (COPY "/TOTO.PCT" -> copy an asset to MCU#2 ) BYE : to reset the MCU HALT : to halt the MCU & optional connected RPI
Dual ESP32 layout explained
06/11/2018 at 11:43 • 0 commentsI used 2x ESP32 (instead of only 1 in #Xts-uBASIC Pocket V2 ) because I needed hudge RAM to correctly manage the 320x240px Screen ops. (& ESP32 is relatively cheap & fast) so there is an UART Bridge between BOTH MCUs in order to send commands from #1 (BASIC+BEEP+BTNs+WIFI) & #2 (SCREEN + MP3Player) Then the SX1509 boards allows me to read all buttons to #1...
Try to code something on my handheld
05/23/2018 at 15:28 • 0 commentsHi, today I'm starting to write a little RPG demo (not a real game @ this time).
Just for the experiment & detect lags (& try to fix those)